This Is Why You Aren't Getting Their Attention

Humans are a mammalian species, just like dogs, cows, sheep and even whales. I do not want to make this a religious debate, but more of a scientific one. After extensive research, “we have learnt that man is descended from a hairy quadruped, probably arboreal in its habit and an inhabitant of the old world,” said Charles Darwin. The evolution of mammals happened very quickly. Going from a newt to a human in such a short amount of time, is what makes Adam and Eve so believable. Yet, when we study our behaviors, emotions, and decisions, I think evolution may have some catching up to do in that department. Human emotions and decision making are occurring no different than animals, with primal instinct guiding everything we do. When it comes down to it, we are more basic than we like to think we are. I really am like the beast lying next to me.

Primal Instinct is the notion that humans are built to survive. Our intuition is based on the foundation of acquiring and maintain the essentials for survival, food, water, shelter, safety, and sex. In the end, everything we do stands on that. So, the remodel you just did, was decided on because of your primal instinct to have safe shelter. The shopping spree you went on last week. Primal Instinct. Your divorce, car, boat, dog, kid, house, investments, vacation…. everything comes down to your need to maintain your level of Primal Instinct.

If survival is the ultimate need, then are you marketing to it at every moment you get?

Marketing is all about understanding your customers needs. Through identifying their tangible characteristics, you can then start making educated assumptions concerning their psychographics or intangible characteristics. Their emotions, subconscious and feelings all guide their decision to do business with you or not. Your services and products will only be of value when you can show them, as deeply as possible you hear them, see them, and will fulfill their Primal Instinct.

How do your products or services fulfill your customers Primal Instincts?

The many shades of grey that define each human, allows for the competitive marketplace to occur. The multiple competitors you have in the marketplace is potentially a good and bad sign. Those shades of grey allow for you to capture your customers attention in many different ways. How, as the movie implied, it is not endless. Whether fifty is the magic number or not, saturated markets show that nobody is getting the markets attention right, leaving opportunities for businesses to jump in, but get just as lost as everyone else. I find many leaders ignore this critical step when creating marketing messages, thinking that hanging an open sign, building a website, and giving out a buy one get one free coupon is enough. Building a relationship and connecting with their Primal Instinct, is something that happens through intentional research and creating something so specific, you kick ‘em in the gut with it. You connect with their primal instinct.

 Is this why you are not getting their attention?

Probably. Catching a human’s attention does not take much and too much can detract. Primal Instincts are about survival, and they can work for you and against you in marketing. Over time our emotional intelligence has grown, therefore allowing us to navigate our Primal Instincts in an even better way. A long time ago all you can eat buffet once seemed like a clever idea, however as we have evolved, we now question is it quality food? We have learned quality food leads to a longer life, thus allowing us to make more critical decisions when fulfilling our need for fuel.

Does your marketing message speak to the complexities of your customers Primal Instinct?

A lot goes into your marketing message and every decision is going to move you closer to your customers or away from them. Recently, with all the options we have through advancements to graphic media, some would say we may be making it harder on ourselves than need be and, in the process, losing our customers. If we are making decisions primarily from an instinctual level, if our senses get confused by cherry red, fire engine red or scarlet red…. when all we need it red, it can cause your customers to feel frightened by the confusion and back away. I love me a good, simplistic, marketing message. Knowing how much it takes to create so little is something to respect when you do this type of work. If you do not have multiple drafts and a full trash can, you have not done enough.

Do you have thoughtful, intentional marketing messages?

In the end marketing will always rely heavily on a test and try strategy. Building relationships with your consumer market can always feel like a moving target, so keep moving with it. Research, discover, create, implement, quantify, innovate; the cycle should never end, but only get better as you apply your successes and let go of your misses. Refinement takes time. There is no silver bullet, yet only a commitment to make it better.

If you are having a tough time connecting your product or service to your market’s Primal Needs, let me know, I am here to help.

Rachel Clark