Synergy Business Coaching

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In Desperation, Find Inspiration

What the fuck is going on? We went from watching CNN stories about China’s wet markets, to this? My current status is home. Like, don’t leave your house or get fined kind of status. They call it a “Shelter in Place” order. Schools shuttering, business’s closing, first responders responding and online business developing. Life as we know it is changing before our eyes and all I can do is look for the opportunity.

Opportunity is a hard thing for many to think of right now. I get it. My businesses are being hit, just like everyone else. It is hard to think of a future when today feels so bleak. Desperation and inspiration couldn’t be more opposite. One built on fear, uncertainty, deceit and hopelessness, the other, opportunity, vision and hope. If all we are left with is one or the other, I choose inspiration any day.

Looking for inspiration out of a bleak space takes focus. Through all the noise and chaos around us, focusing take more, well, focusing. This takes systems and tools. Good nutrition, hydration, exercise and sun are the foundation for myself. Stillness, plants and an inspiring space is next. The final touches are a hint of caffeine and my favorite Spotify account and I am good to go. Whatever your focus tools are, use them religiously, because in times like now, they become your life support needed to find that inspo.

Speaking of that inspiration. It is around and abound.

Productivity: Using new systems like video conferencing, google hangouts and the good ol’ fashioned telephone is proven to create a more productive work environment. All those meetings you once found yourself running around to are gone and replaced through simple forms of communication. That time adds up fast. Find new systems for communicating using new tools and watch your productivity on employee’s soar. Start tracking what positions and work flow works best in these new formats, so you can continue with them when business resumes back to standard operating times.

Brand Building: Our values are tested most in times of distress. Being pushed to the brink of desperation, tests us to our core. What we believe is right and wrong, what we hold as the most important principles that guide us to the end and how we lead by them are the cornerstones of your brand. What do you want the world to say about your business right now?

New Offerings: Change is coming. Life will go on and it will probably not be the same as it was before. So, what can you provide to meet that new world? What will it want? What will it need? It is a great time to watch, think and dream. My hope is you use leadership tools like budgets, production schedules and pricing strategies to put form and structure behind these dreams and ideas, so when the time is right, you can execute quick. The market and desires will pivot fast. Be at the front of the line so you can connect with the market immediately.

Content Creating: The biggest complaints I get from clients when we start building their marketing strategy is they don’t have time. They don’t have time to create, write or post. Are you staring at an empty schedule? Time to give that keyboard a rub down with some rubbing alcohol and get to writing. Writing blogs. Creating Posts. Taking pictures. Graphic Designing.

I really don’t know if anyone knows what the heck is going on, how long it will last and what to do while we sit here. It is in unprecedented times such as today, that we all need to recognize our impact we can have right now through our own leadership. You are a leader. The time is now. Lead.

Plant that Garden

Paint Your Painting

Read the Book

Write A Novel

Find Your Vision